Coordinate Sign Gifts

If you are struggling to find a unique gift for an upcoming wedding or anniversary, here are some neat ideas for coordinate signs. 

Wedding Coordinate Sign marking site of first date, proposal and wedding ceremony

Our most popular design has three parts to it.  The first set of coordinates represents the location of the first date or town the couple met in.  Under these coordinates are phrases like "Our Eyes Met" or "Where it Began."   This is followed by the second set of coordinates representing the site of the proposal.  Our most popular phrase by far to go under these coordinates is "Our Hearts Committed."  The final set of coordinates are for the location of the wedding ceremony with the phrase "Our Lives United" underneath. 

Sometimes couples will take off the first set of coordinates and replace them with their new family name and the date of the wedding.

Another option is to condense the coordinates and include a favorite quote or wedding vow. 

You are also able to choose from six different finish colors, making it easier to match wedding or home decor color schemes.  You are also able to choose from 10 different font options! 

Hope this helps get some ideas rolling!

Howdy Owl Design Team

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